
New Book Arrival!

New Book Arrival!

Feast Of Inquiry”, is a Bible study resource containing unique sets of discussion questions corresponding to each and every New Testament book and chapter in one open-and-go volume. This book enables individuals and families to directly interact with God’s living word, developing a greater understanding and love for God and building stronger family connections surrounding God’s word, while also sharpening biblical literacy. In addition, the book provides tips and help for individuals, parents, or leaders seeking to facilitate an uncomplicated yet positive and purposeful study using well-tried methods. Further chapters provide instruction on how learners and leaders may value and independently form their own thoughtful discussion questions to grow in their questioning skills.

The book is currently available on Amazon.

Online Tutorials for Feast Of Inquiry

Feast of Inquiry: Contents explained

If you are wondering if this resource might be right for you, here is a brief video overview and contents explanation.

Feast of Inquiry: How to use

A brief video with instructions for use in a family setting.